Zarábajte peniaze propagovaním našich produktov a služieb zapojením sa do našeho sprostredkovateľského programu (zapojenie sa je zdarma!). Akonáhle si vytvoríte Váš sprostredkovateľský účet získate jedinečný referenčný link. Ten použijete na Vašich web stránkach a kedykoľvek ktokoľvek klikne na uvedený link bude presmerovaný na naše stránky a v prípade nákupu bude tento nákup zaznamenaný a provízia za tohoto nákupu Vám bude pripočítaná k Vášemu účtu. Uvedenú províziu si budete môcť vybrat formou kreditu na naše služby, prípadne vyplatena na Váš učet Paypal na základe Vašej požiadavky.

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Produkty/Služby Provízia Cena
Web Hosting
Hosting Single S €0.50/mesiac €5.00/mesiac
Hosting Multi M €1.00/mesiac €10.00/mesiac
Hosting Multi L €2.00/mesiac €20.00/mesiac
Virtual Web Hosting
Virtual WH XL €2.50/mesiac €25.00/mesiac
Virtual WH XXL €4.00/month €40.00/month

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Reporty & štatistiky vždy aktuálne

We provide real-time statistics as well as a monthly email report with information on any new clicks, conversions and commissions you have generated.

Quick & reliable affiliate payouts

Quick & reliable affiliate payouts

We pay our affiliates when requested once the low payment rate of $30 is reached! Payments are made via PayPal or check ($2.50 delivery fee).

Instant access to our program & resources

Instant access to our program & resources

Join today and you'll gain instant access to our program and all of our marketing resources.

Our affiliate program is free to join

Our affiliate program is free to join

Our program is and always will be free to join for everyone.


Ako sa zapojiť

affiliate program register Click on the join free button at the top of this page.
affiliate program join Once logged-in a new menu will appear. Hover over "My Account" and click on "My Commissions".
affiliate program activate Click the orange button named "Activate Affiliate Account" to activate your affiliate account.
affiliate program link You'll now see a page showing your unique referral link, commissions & banners.